When you want to focus on fat loss as opposed to just weight loss, it is important that you adhere to some basic diet and exercise practices so that you lose fat and not muscle. Muscle is actually what helps you to burn fat, so even though it weighs more than fat, it will actually help you to get in shape more quickly than you would if you were not focusing so much on muscle building.

Here are some best practices for nutrition and lifestyle if you want to focus on losing fat but not losing muscle. Of course, if you’re serious about losing fat we can’t recommend the Feast Your Fat Away Diet enough. It really is a well put together program.

First of all, focus on protein in your diet. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle, so they are absolutely necessary in order to maintain muscles but lose fat. The fact that most low calorie diets focus on eating a lot of carbs, even if they are complex carbs, makes them good candidates to steer clear of in terms of nutritional practice. In truth, even though – gram for gram – protein has more calories than carbs, it will actually help you to lose more weight in the long term via building up those muscles.

Next, you should also take supplements which help you to build muscle. Although it may seem logical to think that if you are eating a balanced diet full of protein, grains, fruits and vegetables you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need, that is far from the case. In fact, even for the healthiest eaters, a good daily supplement regimen is recommended – and that is even if they are not particularly trying to build muscle! If you are attempting to build muscle, it becomes even more critical.

Another thing to be cognizant of is that you need to be drinking plenty of water in order to lose fat. Even health conscious people tend to underestimate the importance of hydration. Water is the natural lubricant that keeps all of your systems running as they should – and that includes all of the systems that allow you to lose weight while still maintaining your muscle so that they are healthy and strong. If you are dehydrated, even by a little bit, it can cause your system to plateau in terms of weight loss. Drinking water – and plenty of water, at that – is simply one of the easiest things that you can do in order to speed up your weight loss and protect the muscle that you have built.

Lastly, when it comes to your exercise routine, focus heavily on exercises that build your muscles, such as strength training and weightlifting, as opposed to focusing solely on cardio. A lot of people, when they begin to attempt to lose weight – especially a significant amount of weight – focus almost entirely on cardio because it burns the most calories. If you want to lose that are not sacrifice your muscle mass, then this is the wrong approach. You need to incorporate a significant amount of weight training along with your cardio practice in order to build additional muscle, protect the muscle you’ve Artie Bildt, and still lose fat.

Hopefully, by putting these dietary and lifestyle changes into effect, you will be completely successful in your weight loss journey as you strive to lose the excess fat that you want to get rid of, while at the same time protecting all of the muscle that you have worked so hard to build over the time that you have devoted to your strength training and workout routines.